Lawrence, your compositions are a bit unclear. I'm guessing you're going for an overall feel to the scene, however your focal point is unclear in each of these. you can correct that with correct usage of lighting and the right element placements. I posted an example, which you don't have to follow. I know that these are just thumbs, but think about the overall character of the SCENE. If they're getting ready for war, I would expect a lot of busy activity, people running around, warriors sharpening weapons, a mess everywhere in preparation, etc. Ask yourself more specific questions about your piece. This would give you more directions for more decision making. What kind of war are these guys going to? For an invasion? For defense? How big is the room in relation to the charaters. Watch movies that have scenes where characters are in a room planning for a battle. Also, as a reminder, be more careful with positive and negative shapes! Also, explore camera angles and height for compositional possibilities. For example, if the map is your focal point and is laid out on the table, I would suggest a higher camera shot for easier view. Just a thought, you can change the shape of the general himself so he stands apart from the rest. Either by size or shape. With the lighting, think creatively. Think about the type of place they're in. If I remember correctly, the inn you designed was constructed using parts from the ship wreck. What if the light source spills into the scene through the cracks, where the seams of the wall pieces don't fit together perfectly? Choose 1-2 and concentrate on taking it to a finished line by sat. Thanks.
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