Anyone out there? Hi guys, for anyone involved, here are the basic body shapes I'm going for with my creatures/race. Sticking to the "lizard-motif." Just really wanted to make it work. Thinking of these people like a nomadic tribe from a desert world. Hence, the reptilian look. I want them to look fun too, so playing with the body shape was a process. The female of the race is basically playing off of the male body type, that's why there is not as much exploration. If anyone has any further suggestions I am open to them. Working on the looks of the different classes now. I also included a few explorations of the silhouttes for the "looks." Wish I would have thought of this sooner. Hey, its a process.-- Nelson
Nelson, I am a little weirded out how the arms seem to stick out well below where a sholder appears to be in your main designs. Now I havent studied lizards much, but I do believe they still have a similar skeletal structure to ours. If you were meaning to imply that the head is sticking out farther from the body, and that the bump above the sholders is like some sort of fat buildup around the neck or something, then indicate it as so or maybe clarify that in the drawing, right now it just looks like the character has anatomical issues. I like how you're playing around with the proportions, though. Also, the assignment was to nail down your creature type and do some orthographic views to make it ready as though you're about to hand it off to a 3D modeler. It also should include details like color and some idea of what the texture and materials should look like. And then I believe we were asked to do so again for at least two of the character classes.
Only ONE PERSON who showed up on Saturday seemed to follow directions. Please do this so that we don't make Nino feel like we're wasting his time.
Hey Nelson, These are looking a lot better. I like that you are pushing the shapes. The charcter seems more lively and I am interested to see where you push it. Long live the lizard king!
very helpful. thanks. gotta get to work!
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