Hi there. Here are my characters in progress. I just wanted to make sure that I'm going in the right direction in regards to designing for modelers. If anyone has any suggestions or comments, please feel free. I will put the add ons soon. I'm excited to see which direction you guys push this!
Jackson! These are looking interesting. I like the first guy best. His anatomy seems pushed like the others, but it seems to be working better than the rest. It seems more plausible, whereas the dude with the long hair and the extended upper arms just seems like he's got anatomical issues. Take a look at and study the rear legs of a horse, or something that has that similar bone structure. This first guy would be fun to model! I'm not the authority here, but I would like to see the anatomical details ironed out, with some orthographic drawings (flat front, side, back and/or top views) and some color/material texture indications for this character.
Oh, and if he's meant to be both biped and quad, I would want to model him in whichever position he would be in the most. I would draw him standing bipedally, since that was one of the assignment guidelines.
Thanks Leo. The first guy is my basemodel. I will be fleshing out the others today. As for the wizard with the long arms, I was thinking that as the race gets older and more intelient, perhaps their arms could grow, kind of like when seniors grow larger noses and ears. I don't think I am going to go quad on these, those sketches were just for fun. If you have any suggestions on how to make the others model friendly as the first, feel free because I need some feedback. Thanks again.
Hmmm... I didn't realize that they are all of the same race and species. I think you need some sort of characteristic besides the elfish ears to unify these designs as an entire creature class. For instance, the friendlyness you mentioned in the first guy. I think the way his face was more designey and less human-like, i.e. almost chin-less and a huge nose(did you use me for reference?). The wide, crooked smiling Nightmare-BeforeChristmas-like mouth kinda helps that too.
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