Hello! Here are some of my explorations of the direction that I'm going in for my house/home. In thinking of my home there were a number of considerations I had. First, I was thinking about my "race" what kind of people they are and what kind of materials they would use. I thought rocky hillside (since they are evolved hooved creatures). I would think that they would seek out environments close to what they are used too. I'm thinking the placement would be somewhere high on a hill. My race of people would use natural materials like mud, rocks, and fabrics even that they would fashion themselves. I'm also thinking that they could be a used to somewhat of an agrigultural people. I'm also thinking about what a home could represent. It could be a haven, a place that is warm & inviting. Or it could be a defensive sanctuary where it looks formidable, but inside it is a place to feel safe and recuperate. I like the idea of a contrast between outside & inside. The outside could look intimidating almost gruesome, but the inside could be warm and comforting. The home could also be totally futuristic and unusual. I like the idea of huge, exaggerated shapes jutting out to push the extreme nature of the project at hand. I haven't gotten there yet, so here's my start for the homes.
Nelson, you have great shape explorations as usual, however, I need you to take that next step and push yourself to start tying you drawings. What you have is a great start, but they are too sketching and loose like all you other drawings to really understand what’s going on. Remember space relation, and how one piece fits into another. How do all those “spiky” fit into the main body of the building? What’s the exact size of the building?
Try moving the camera and draw the other side of the building, and see if your design holds up. This will also test you perspective skills.
Also, explain the materials and how they are “built.” If they have some sort of unique connections in terms of how it’s constructed, sketch that out and clarify that. DON’T EXPLAIN IT TO ME VERBALLY, SHOW ME!!!
Put in shapes that say “agricultural” or say “defensive.” Think to yourself, what would a windmill look like for these guys? Or what would a fort look like if they built one? Remember to have your building retain shapes that you would find in a real life building counter part. Your target audience has to be able to identify with these buildings, and recognize the overall design to some degree.
Like a told you guys before, remember to design interiors too and keep that in mind since that will heavily influence the exterior.
Whaa? Agriculutural? I could've sworn that in the snippet of a story we were given, the chieftain was looking out on the horizon, noticing that the land was incredibly fertile, and then laughed to himself since his people were'nt known for such business...
Anyway, these are looking cool Nelson! I like how you're pushing for the more natural forms. Nino left some awesome comments, I would add that the top-left one on your second page looks cool with the tall spires or chimney/tower things, but watch out! These are way too evenly spaced! Break up their spacing in the same manner you broke up their proportion.
Oh, I also can't help but mention how any time you place a circular shape next to a tall cylindrical shape, you get a phallic symbol. You got a couple there like that...
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