Saturday, March 31, 2007
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Nelson:New House

This is the new house I drew overnight. After talking with Niño, I realized that I really haven't been pushing myself or tying down my designs enough. He also pointed out that by not taking my work to a more finished stage, I am not discovering my full weaknesses. So, here is my new drawing, warts and all.
I realized that I really need to draw more and work in a smarter way. This drawing took longer than I thought it would and it was more difficult than it looks. I struggled with perspective for what seemed like forever, finally decided to forego the perspective (for now) and work it free hand.
I was going for an armored beast form to the house madeup of a rock mass. Since the race of creatures are more of an earthy "goat like" people, I wanted to tie in the rocky shapes and materials. Though the design isn't as extreme or pushed as I would like it to be, I am glad that Niño gave me this quick turnaround goal. Any comments are appreciated.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Nelson: House Explorations

Hello! Here are some of my explorations of the direction that I'm going in for my house/home. In thinking of my home there were a number of considerations I had. First, I was thinking about my "race" what kind of people they are and what kind of materials they would use. I thought rocky hillside (since they are evolved hooved creatures). I would think that they would seek out environments close to what they are used too. I'm thinking the placement would be somewhere high on a hill. My race of people would use natural materials like mud, rocks, and fabrics even that they would fashion themselves. I'm also thinking that they could be a used to somewhat of an agrigultural people. I'm also thinking about what a home could represent. It could be a haven, a place that is warm & inviting. Or it could be a defensive sanctuary where it looks formidable, but inside it is a place to feel safe and recuperate. I like the idea of a contrast between outside & inside. The outside could look intimidating almost gruesome, but the inside could be warm and comforting. The home could also be totally futuristic and unusual. I like the idea of huge, exaggerated shapes jutting out to push the extreme nature of the project at hand. I haven't gotten there yet, so here's my start for the homes.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Lawrence: House Ideations

Friday, March 16, 2007
Jackson: painted thief
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Lawrence:White Mage Color
Monday, March 5, 2007
Jackson: characters in progress
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Nelson:Character Body Shape

Anyone out there? Hi guys, for anyone involved, here are the basic body shapes I'm going for with my creatures/race. Sticking to the "lizard-motif." Just really wanted to make it work. Thinking of these people like a nomadic tribe from a desert world. Hence, the reptilian look. I want them to look fun too, so playing with the body shape was a process. The female of the race is basically playing off of the male body type, that's why there is not as much exploration. If anyone has any further suggestions I am open to them. Working on the looks of the different classes now. I also included a few explorations of the silhouttes for the "looks." Wish I would have thought of this sooner. Hey, its a process.-- Nelson